Monday, 15 December 2008

Treadmill training

You wake up and it's raining. You go to bed, and it's still raining. And if it's not the rain, it's the wind or the cold. The dismal British winter is what causes most women to give up on their fitness programmes in exchange for longer under the duvet. Yet, there is a way to carry on your shape up programme without it meaning you'll have piled on a stone by the Spring.
Whilst Fitbitch isn't a fan of treadmill running, come the winter it can be an indispensable tool. You simply have to know how to use it, so that you don't get bored rigid by the end of the week.
The best way to do this is to combine some interval work on the treadmill. Try a five minute warm up, at a comfortable pace, and then increase to a run at 80-90% maximum heart rate for one minute, before dropping down again. Repeat ten times. As you get used to this, try running fast for two minutes, increasing your pace or have less recovery time.
Another alternative is to do intervals of hill running. Start off doing a five minute warm up, then add 0.5% incline every minute, building up to ten minutes. Then work you way back down again.
This will not only help prevent you dying of boredom (or quickly learning every MTV video going watching the TV) but you'll continue to burn calories after you've finished training because of the benefits of interval training. And you'll be warm!
Alternatively, if you still find that boring get some friends and see if you can copy this YouTube video - it's hilarious.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Gait analysis

Have you noticed how many people seem to have suddenly taken up triathlons, adventure racing and lord knows what else? Overnight it appears that everyone seems to have forgone the gym and the yoga studio for more serious fitness pursuits.
A sign of these new fitness times (good lord, and it's not even the New Year, typically the time when every9one gets serious) is that you can't go into a sports shop nowadays without seeing a gait analysis machine.
Asics new store in Soho has one, Adidas in Camden have had one for a while, and even celebrity personal fitness trainer, Matt Roberts has developed his own gait analysis programme. So, what do they do, and are they are good?
Well, those good guys at NikeTown rather nicely invited me to try out their Gait Analysis service in London. Kitting me out with a pair of trainers, they filmed me from the back as I ran on a treadmill to see how I ran.
According to Nike, I was a neutral runner and didn't need any correction but if you over pronate - roll in - you need a shoe with support in the arch and perhaps even the forefront to help correct the roll and prevent injuries.
A good way of checking out if you have an issue with rolling in, or out, when you run is to look at the sole of your running trainers; if it's worn down in any particular place, that's a sure sign you need some help.
Don't think you need to be assessed next time you buy some shoes but if you put in a lot of mileage, then it's definitely worth it.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Make a master plan

One of the first things you're taught when you're training to become a personal trainer is the importance of planning an exercise programme for your clients. It sets goals, giving people something to work towards and a measurable way to qualify how much they're improving.
ow a study of novice runners preparing for a marathon has proved just how vital this is. The reearch focued on 30 adults. Eveyr month they completed a questionnnaire on their training focusing on planning, dealing iwth obstacles (bad weather, or injuires) and checking that the schedule was followed. Those who were less diligent in drawing up and implementing the trainign plan fared worse.
Now, even if I barely have a spare minute, I still make the effort to plan my own routine. So, even if all you're exercising for is to lose a few pounds, set yourself goals and think clearly about the training you need to get there.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Fitbitch: Fit Kit Christmas Gift Guide

Fitbitch: Fit Kit Christmas Gift Guide

Fit Kit Christmas Gift Guide

Whether you're looking for a Christmas gift for a fit friend, or somehting to put on your own wish list for Santa, here's the Fitbitch guide to the kit that can transform your figure and fitness...

This might seem a little bit steep, but the TRX can be used to train the entire body and is small enough to fit into a mesh bag the size of a toilet bag so you won't spend your life tripping over it! the TRX - Total Body Resistance - suspension system looks like a piece of climbing gear. You hang it fron an anchor point - a door frame will do - and place either your feet or hands in the stirrups to perform a variety of exercises, from one legged squats to challenging crunches. So far, so easy, you may think. But as each exercise is performed from an unstable base, your core is forced to work continously to stablise the body. Fitbitch put a number of personal trainers through their paces on this - let's just say they were all sweating by the end. This is a fantastic bit of kit for those wanting to build on core strength.(If you live in Brighton book in for a free trial at Kit available from

BOSU Balance Trainer, £79.95,
Swiss balls are now as common in most people's fit vocabulary as treadmills. But this piece of kit, which looks more like a mini trampoline, is less well known. You can perform all the same exercises on this as a Swiss ball, plus loads more. Either stand dome side up, or flip it over to create an even more unstable surface to perform anything from crunches to squats with dumb bells. And the other beauty? It's much easier to hide behind the sofa than a Swiss ball.

Kettlebells, from £19.99,
Why use a piece of kit that only works one set of muscles when you can use something that ill work them all? This is why kettlebells are taking the UK by storm. These cannonball shaped weights were originally used in Russia as a counterweight for weighing grain, but were soon adopted by Strong men. Now they're seen as the ultimate strength tool. Because the handle is displaced off centre, this forces the body to recruit all the muscles to stabilise and control the movement. A word of caution though - book yourself in for a one-on-one session with a qualified kettlebell instructor before you try using these on their own. Stockists same as above.

Xertube, £15.45,
For those new to exercise, or returning after a sojourn (sounds better than 'just sat on your arse for ten years) these elasticated resistance bands are perfect for helping you tone up. Simply wrap around a pole, use your hands or even stand on them to create effective exercises that will work your bottom, legs, arms and back. Although if you're fit, don't be sniffy about them. When we tried on the stronger resistance versions, it was hard work! Stockists same as above.

Monday, 1 December 2008


Fitbitch is just loving these amazing jelly creations from Bompas & Parr, so called 'food architects'. We're happy to forgive the pretension as these wobbling blobs of technicolour glory are such good fun, you can't fail but grin.
It's a long time since jellies were considered anywhere near as fashionable as this and not suprisingly. Usually full of artificial colourings and lord knows what horrible parts of animals, jello is a dessert left in the memory banks of FB childhood. But looking at these pictures got us to thinking that made with the right ingredients, jelly is the perfect dieter's dream dessert. Low in fat but sweet enough to satisfy a dessert desire, jellies are the answer. Just look at for ideas of what to include, and for a perfect green tea jelly recipe. Fitbitch may even have a go at attempting a design of her this space!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Hey sugar...

There a good reason why sugar closely resembles a pile of cocaine. And that's because it's pretty much as addictive. It's not only destructive for your waistline but there's also growing evidence that it could have an impact on cancer growth.
For most of you, none of this is a revelation particularly when it comes to weight-loss. After all, we all know we're not supposed to heap our coffee or tea with sugar, or eat biscuits and cakes. But the reality is that nowadays there are hidden sugars in the most unlikely of places. This Friday on ITV, watch out for the programme Bitter Sweets that will blow the lid on the hidden sugars in your food.
Most so called 'healthy' flapjacks contain sugar, as does cereal and even your daily loaf of bread. A typical loaf of wholemeal bread contains 1tsp of sugar per three slices, whilst Special K contains 17g of sugar per 100g - that's the equivalent of a bowl of vanilla ice cream.
Of course, you can check out the ingredients on food but most manufacturers are wily buggers.
The first ingredient mentioned tends to be the predominant one - but to get around having to admit that sugar is the main ingredient, manufacturers include different sources of sugar. So next time you're out, have a look for the following ingredients - all sources of the white stuff.
Fructose, corn syrup, lactose, sorbitol, galactose, malt, Xylitol and polydextrose.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Kranking Crazy

We've had BodyPump, Boxercise, Reebox Step ...when it comes to good gym classes, concept fitness is big business. Yet the fact that these classes have dominated gym studio class schedules for most of the last decade shows just how hard it is to hit on a winning formula that will get people fit, keep them engaged and be fun. That's not to say people haven't stopped trying.
The latest fitness concept to hit gyms in the US, has been invented by the man who came up with Spinning - the classes where you sweat buckets as you peddle in time to the music as if you're racing the Tour de France. That was enough for us to forgive it's terrible name - Kranking.
Then we watched it on YouTube.
The exercise involves basically pedalling a wheel with your arms. Watching a group of women doing a class, you can't help shake the feeling that you're stepping back in time and seeing women at a knitting wheel. Aside from giving you shapely arms, this does nothing for your bottom half, or your core. Here's hoping Kranking doesn't make it over to these shores.
Have you recently come across a new fitness craze? Let us know what it is.

Monday, 24 November 2008

21 days to change...

Have you ever started a diet or a new fitness regime only to give up after a few weeks? Well, if you had kept it up for just one more week, you could have developed a lifelong commitment, according to TV presenter and psychologist Dr Cecilia d'Felice.
At a speech she gave at the 9th National Nutrition and Health conference on Friday, she spoke about how the brain neuron's make permanent changes if you repeat a certain set of behaviour for 21 days. So next time you feel like giving in, carry on reinforcing your behaviour for just three weeks and you're much more likely to make lifelong changes. What do you think? If you've changed your fitness or diet lately, write in and tell us how you did it.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Inversion fitness?

WAG-cum personal trainer, Carly Zucker, 24 is reported to have tried inversion therapy in preparation for her stint in the jungle on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here. Here at Fitbitch, we dont' usually find fitness tips in such strange places but this is not as mad as it seems.
Hanging upside down is believed to take the pressure of the back, helping to elongate the spine. This gives the spinal discs the chance to 'plump' up with fluids and nutrients because they are no longer being squeezed by the pressure of the body. Carly has used it to help develop balance awareness for when she might be suspended upside down in a bug-fest nightmare. yet it's also believed that inversions can help to calm the mind, which is why the handstand and shoulder stand are important postures in yoga. But if you can't manage it on your own, there are fitness devices to help. Try Inversion Boots, £49 ( or a table like the Teeter IF500 Inversion Machine, £275 ( This is mad, but not bad!
(N.B those who are pregnant or suffer from high blood pressure should not try this).

Monday, 17 November 2008

Fitbitch is loving...the Garmin Forerunner 405

Apologies for my recent lack of postings but one reason for my laclustre performance at the laptop is because I'm been training hard using a new heart rate monitor.
If you've always thought heart rate monitors were the sole preserve of male sports geeks (the type that wear knee high compression stockings, runner's vests and gloves...not a good look guys) , think again.
Heart rate monitors are an invaluable tool if you're serious about your training as they can tell you whether you're working at the right intensity.
First you need to out your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220 - you can then work out what percentage of your heart rate that you should be working at for your runs...
Tempo runs 87-92%
Interval training 95-100%
Recovery runs 65-75%
There are a whole range of heart rate monitors on the market (look out for a future posting when I shall be reviewing a selection of the best) but I don't think I can ever go back to now I've tried the Garmin Forerunner 405.
This device has GPS and records your speed, distance (no more having to map out your run before you put your trainers on and you're in a rush in the morning), calories burned and time. It also synchs wirelessly with your computer so it records all your training. Admittedly, at £229 it doesn't come cheap but here's hoping Santa finds his way to my running socks this year!
For more information visit
If you'd like any expert advice or reviews of any other sports products, write it to let us know.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

You booze, you lose

We all know that drinking alcohol is not good but very few people know why. Yet, understand this and then you're more likely to make healtheir choices during this festive season. Ever wondered why you crave cakes, crisps and bread when you're hangover? It's because booze upsets the blood glucose levels, causing you to crave sugary, startchy foods. And while alcohol is packed full of calories the body can't use it for anything. So, it goes straight to your hips!
No, we're not saying you should forgo booze all together this Christmas but this might just help you to choose wisely next time you consider having your fifth glass of mulled wine. (ooh, I think that's a record...I've discussed mulled wine and it's only November 13th!)

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Run for your life

For years, common wisdom held that running is great for getting you fit and helping you lose weight but that it will end up wearing down your knees and leaving your crippled with osteoarthritis. It seemed you were caught between the devil and the deep blue sea - have a great looking pair of pins now, but face not being able to walk twenty years down the line. But now you can forget all that as a long term study has shown that the opposite is true.
A Stanford University study of 538 middle aged runners over a 21 year period, has shown that runners in fact only developed disabilities 16 years after those who had never run at all. So, now there's no excuse not to get those running shoes on.
If you've never run before, or haven't gone near to your trainers for a while don't worry. The best way to start is to set yourself a goal, whether it's losing pounds, or running a 5k. Start off slowly, covering small distances and week by week, add distance and the occasional fast run. And just make sure to stretch after you've run - this will help prevent injuries and ensure you begin to love your running routine. For details of races near you, check out Runner's World's excellent site, which also has great training programmes from beginners to advanced.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Crazy Fitness

You have to love the American's for coming up with wacky fitness ideas. I love this one - spinining classes to Karaoke...genius!
It's not just a silly idea though, as the key to sticking to any fitness regime is about having fun and also continuing to challenge your usual routine even if in this case it's by singing! Next time you're in the gym and feeling a bit bored or unmotivated, try doing your exercises in a different getting fitter and leaner is about having fun, and/or taking your mind off what your body is doing. Next time you're training and feeling bored try doing your exericises in a different order, or even close your eyes while doing them. It will not only add an element of variety to your routine but will also challenge your body all over again. Not quite as fun as karoake admittedly!
Has anyone else come across any wacky fitness routines, or remember any from their past? Let me know.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Breakfast of champions

If you want the perfect start to a winter morning, porridge has got to be it. It has a low glycaemic index, which means that it releases energy slowly so that you feel fuller for longer and it takes literally minutes to prepare, either on the stove or in a microwave if you're at work. Just make sure that you make it the right way and don't add too many unhealthy things.
I make mine with skimmed milk and water, and add a tablespoon of low fat yoghurt for a creamier taste. Other favourites included grated apple, or 2tsps of pumpkin seeds and raisins soaked in apple juice, or blueberries (get the frozen kind from the supermarket - much cheaper!). And for a special treat, it also makes a tasty, healthy dessert - try making it with skimmed milk and a little low fat coconut milk and top with diced mango.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Extreme Diets

Here in the UK, it's the start of London Fashion Week. It's that time where us normal folk get to see cutting edge fashion from the front well as tales of the most extreme diets. The latest to reach our ears is the banana bag. Sounds like something out of a kid's TV show where someone gets gunked doesn't it? Actually it's worse.
The banana bag is an IV drip containing multi-vitamins so that you get the vital nutrients to keep you alive - minus the food. Even Zoolander didn't feature anything so completely mad.
Originally designed as IV drips for undernourished alcoholic patients, it gets it's name from the distinctive yellow colour of the multivitamin. You couldn't make it up.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

The Return of the Atkins Diet

Hmm, that couldn't clog up my arteries could it?

Despite the inventor of the Atkins Diet, Dr Robert Atkins being clinically obese and suffering heart disease when he died in 2003 aged 72, it seems that it wasn't the last nail in the coffin for the diet which 3million Britons followed during it's peak. No, Fitbitch has learned that it's back only now called The All-New Atkins Advantage Diet (
Unlike the orginal diet which ruled out carbohydrates forcing the body to use fat as energy stores, this one allows you to eat them - although in limited amounts.
In the first two weeks, you're allowed just 20g of carbohydrates, increasing to 120g although only if you exercise too. But the major change seems to be that the diet now advises exercise - and to limit the high fat proteins such as cheese and red meat that many Atkins dieters used to gorge on before. Hmmm, methinks there will be another book out soon!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

The Flash Diet

With 12.8 million of us on a diet at any one time in the UK, it's no wonder there's a new diet method launched every other day. But Fitbitch has to admit that this latest idea - photographing every meal or snack as 'evidence' of your diet demeanor's sounds better than most.
According to a latest US study, reported in The Daily Mail today, (
slimmers who kept photo diaries, were more successful at sticking to a healthy eating plan than those that just kept a written diary. Dr Lydia Zepeda, who led the study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said: 'Nutritionists see diaries as a recording tools. Now they should explore the role of photo diaries as intervention tools.'
Anyone like to share their weekly photo diary? Let me know and I'll join you in sharing mine. God, I'm already thinking of all those biscuits I shove in my mouth and forget about!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Fit Fun Day

If you're bored of your workout, then check out Evans Cycles Ride It! events. At designated weekends throughout the year, the national bicycle chain store hold mountain and road bicycle rides. They mark out the route, offer a free memory map, energy food and drink and you can even book a demo bike and try out Gore Tex garments at the event. The events offer a variety of routes starting at a fun ride of 15 miles, right up to 90 mile cycle. Entry is £10 via Bike your way out of your fitness rut!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Train for a triathalon - the J-Lo way

Six months after becoming a first time mum, Jennifer Lopez has decided to get in shape by training for a triathalon. It may sound like a daunting task for the 39-year old singer, but as personal trainer and triathatlete, Lily Rose of points out, you don't have to be a super fit athelete to do it.
'It can sound intimidating but if you're a beginner or don't have much experience of exercise, you can start out on novice events,' she explains. 'This involves swimming 375m, cycling 10km and running 2.5km. Once you've mastered that, you can progress to the sprint and then olympic distances.'
And the best thing about triathalons? It will get you in shape like no other sport as it works your entire body, particularly your core which works to stabilise your body through the three different disciplines of running, swimming and cycling.
'Triathalons are fantastic ways of getting fit,' agrees Lily. 'They work your cardiovascularly but are also a great fat burning exercise - you will lose a shedload of weight.'
The best way to start training for a triathalon is to work out for five minutes on the bike, switch to the treadmill, and then repeat this three times. This will get you use to the transition between the different disciplines. Also, focus on your swimming and building your core stability. For free core training tips, write a comment.
For more information about upcoming triathalon races visit
To see J-Lo talking about her trianing visit

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Jennifer Love Hewitt loses 18lbs

After being subjected to the long lens of a papparazzi, Jennifer Love Hewitt was roundly ridiculed for her weight gain recently. But unfair though the papp shot was, there is nothing like an unflattering photograph to prompt you into action, and the Hollywood actress is no exception.
In the latest issue of US magazine ( the star reveals her new slim-line, size 10 figure after losing an amazing 18lb in ten weeks. She's achieved it with the help of her trainer, Stevie Sant'Angelo, who customised a nutritional plan made up of 1250-1500 calories a day.
''The less processed the better,' says Jennifer. 'When you teach someone to eat properly, it's all about eyeballing the portions.'
But the real secret behind her amazing shape up, is a dynamic exercise routine, involving skipping, running and spinning, as well as building lean muscle with the help of kettlebells.
Originally used by Russian strongmen, these ball shaped weights are renowned for helping people shape up fast.
Resembling cannon balls but with a hande, this means the weight is off set, helping to challenge the muscles more than traditional dumbells. And because the movements use several muscle groups, you get twice the workout in half the time. Check out this YouTube video to see how a kettlebell workout could help you.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Free celebrity workouts

What did we ever do without YouTube and the internet? What it means is that it's now possible to get expert personal training workout and tips from trainers responsible for getting the Hollywood stars into shape.
In under a hour, I've already revamped my own training regime and have picked out some of the best free sites for you guys...

Gunnar Peterson
Responsible for getting Jennifer Lopez and Gwen Stefani into shape, Gunnar is one of the top trainers in the world. This site is brilliant with easy to follow video instruction on a number of functional exercises. This is the new buzz word in the fitness world, meaning that you exercise in a manner that replicates the movement patterns that your body usually does day to day.
Who is it for? Fit chicks
Difficulty rating: ****

The Body Doctor
Otherwise known as David Marshall, this is the man credited with the amazing transformations of Sophie Dahl and Rachel Weisz. He's most famous for a six week plan which, in three 90-minute sessions completely transforms your body. At a cost, of course. That's why it's worth logging on to his website for free stuff! The vidoes are a bit cumbersome to watch and the exercises aren't that challenging but it's great for beginners.
Who is it for? Chicks ready to spread their fitness wings
Difficulty rating: **

Kathy Kaehler
She's trained Claudia Schiffer and Lisa Kudrow, which is good enough for Fitbitch as they both look fantastic. Unlike the other's, Kathy provides both a 30-minute cardio workout to help burn fat, as well as an easy to follow resistance exercises. These are just as vital as muscle burns more calories at rest so it helps you slim. And it's particularly important for those of us who are over 30 as we lose 0.5kgs of muscle every year.
Who is it for? New chicks
Difficulty rating: *

Mark Jenkins
He's helped Beyonce develop her enviably toned curves and notably helped Missy Elliot completely metamorphose. And when you watch his workouts you understand why. This video workout focus on plyometric exericses. These are short, explosive exercises usually practised by those training for a sports event and develop spped and strength. To follow this workout you'll need a lot of equipment and it's not stuff you'll get at your local gym. Still, if you're ready for the burn, then this is the one.
Who is it for: Uber fit chicks
Difficulty rating: *****

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Five of the best diet tricks

© Louise Johnson

And by diet tricks, I'm talking how you can actually have something sweet without completely falling off the diet wagon and giving up on those hard won, slim-line curves.

First up, an well known but original one - the humble Jelly Baby. Don't you love 'em? Containing just 85 calories and 0.1 grammes of fat in five of these squidgy, delicious jelly bodies you can't fail. Er...except if you buy a whole packet and scoff the lot. My advice? Go to a Pick n'Mix and just buy five...or nick some from your friend's children!

It may sound mad but try freezing a handful of white grapes. When you get the urge for something sweet just suck them - they're like sweets. Alternatively, buy some frozen cherries, blackberries or blueberries from the supermarket and use them. Only 60 calories and 0.1 grammes of fat.

Yummmm, Fig Rolls are another of our favourites, crunchy on the outside and gooey in the middle. And at only 40 calories and 1.4grammes of fat. You can only go wrong if you eat the lot. If you have no self control, steer clear.

Chocolate...mmmm, how could we survive without it? But Fitbitch is fed up of those diet features saying 'Have a few squares of 70% dark chocolate as a treat.' Are you kidding?! What, so you're just going to have two and put the rest in the fridge and forget about it. I don't think so.
But there is away around it...if you melt the chocolate first and then eat with a spoon ...dare I say it, you feel a bit sick by the end. OK, so not strictly speaking a treat but it cures you of that overwhelming 'Homer, must eat doughnuts' kind of moment. 55 calories and 4.1g of fat for 1/3 of a small bar of Green and Blacks 70% dark chocolate.

And lastly, it's going to sound weird but it's lovely. I came across this when I found my Iranian flatmate dipping a Finn's Rye Crisp in a pot of natural yoghurt. I thought it was disgusting until I tried it...and it's really, really nice. 50 calories and 1.4grammes of fat.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Anne Hathaway's fitness secrets

Anne Hathaway, 25, star of Brokeback Mountain and the Devil Wears Prada is in fantastic shape, yet she only exercises for 30 minutes, three times a day. Her secret? Interval training.
'I do interval running for about half an hour, during this time, I'll walk for a minute and a half, then I run for a minute, then sprint for a minute.'
By fatiguing the muscles by constantly challenging them, you not only tone up more quickly but because your metabolic rate is raised for up to two hours after you've exercised you keep burning calories even after your work out if finished.
but if you're not fit enough to run, then don't worry. Interval training counts as anything where you go from a slow to a faster pace. This could be a slow walk to a jog, or walking on a level surface and then going uphill. Just be honest with yourself - as long as you're challenging yourself it will work!

Monday, 11 August 2008

Sweet treats that won't make you fat

It sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland, but companies in Ameria have invented a new generation of chemicals that aims to fight the increase in adult obesity. The chemicals, known as flavour modulators trick the brain into thinking you are scoffing a sugary, fatty snacks when you could be eating something as healthy as a carrott.
Next year, Cadbury is reportedly aiming to use flavour modulators in some of it's foods, while Coca-Cola is working on a way to boost the taste of it's sugar-free drinks. It may sound like a good argument in the fight against the obesity epidemic but Fitbitch can't help but wonder whether there will be anything left in the supermarket soon that isn't full of chemicals.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Celebrity Diet Secrets

The Eat what you Want diet

Claudia Schiffer diets according to the principle that having a little of what you fancy – ie. Chocolate for most of us – means you won't end up craving it and binging. All very well but if you haven't got the iron will power to j ust have that one square of dark chocolate (God, how many times have you heard that as a diet treat?!) then it's a no no.

The Grapefruit Diet
Invented in the 1980s, this advocates eating only 800 calories a day, including half a grapefruit with every meal and has been tried by Brooke Shields. While it's unhealthy to restrict your calorie intake so severely there is something to this. A recent 12 week study found that those who hate 1/2 a grapefruit with every meal lost 3.6 pounds. It’s believed that this is because grapefruit contains plant compounds that reduce insulin levels, thereby promoting weight loss as high levels lead to fat storage. For more information visit

The Hypnosis Diet
Lily Allen recently dropped an impressive two dress sizes using hypnosis and looked fantastic.( )This method definitely can work for some people, given the fact that most peoples’ weight issues stem not just from the type of food they eat, but the emotional and psychological reason behind why they eat it. Hypnosis works by examining those triggers and changing diet habits.

The Baby Food Diet
This hit the headlines when it was revealed that 39-year old, Christian Dior designer Hedi Slimlane, kept his slim-line figure by swapping up to two meals a day for jars of baby food. Reese Witherspoon is meant to have tried it also and she is in great shape but does it reallywork? You'll certainly lose weight as your calorie intake is so low. But this is not only dangerous but boring. Baby food is deliberately low in fat, sugar and taste.

The Ultrametabolism Diet
Devised by American Dr Mark Hyman, this is built on the concept that everyone’s body uses nutrients differently to awaken fat burning genes. It’s more holistic than most plans, taking into account the effect of stress on the body as well as food. In a nutshell, it involves cutting out allergens like diary, eggs and gluten and slowly reintroducing them to see what effect it has on the body. Every meal contains low lean protein such as turkey, balanced with healthy fats such as those found in oily fish and carbohydrates. Jane Seymour looks great on it but you have to be prepared to give your diet a complete overhaul. And, as portion control is not emphasised you still have to have the willpower to prevent yourself overindulging – even healthy food can be fattening! visit

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Four of the best outdoor workout classes

Not that long ago, if you wanted a great fitness class you had to sign up to an expensive gym and sweat it out in front of horrible mirrors to banging house music. Thankfully, there's now a range of classes suitable for all fitness levels outdoors. And what's more many of them make you feel like you're getting a little slice of personal training without you having the star bank balance...

Best for... new mums

Pushy Mothers
If you're stuck at home with a wailing newborn, and wondering how you'll ever get your figure back in shape then this workout is for you. You take your baby along and use the pushchair as part of the exercise routine, pushing and pulling to help build resistance. With a mix of cardiovascular work to burn fat, resistance to build muscles and core conditioning to bring those all important pelvic floor muscles back into shape, it's also a non-intimidating atmosphere with other mums. The downside is that it is really only for one baby families – can you imagine trying to do it with one pram, one child on your hip and another in a harness? No, thought not.
Cost: joining fee of £15 and classes cost £4-7.
For more information visit

Best for... figure overhaul

Kate Staples Adventure Boot Camp for Women
During the 1980s, Kate Staples used to be Gladiator during the TV show's heyday. But when she broke her neck during filming many thought that was the end of her career in fitness until she launched this revolutionary new outdoor workout. Sign up for a four-week programme, five days a week and it guarantees that you will lose 5-12lb and decrease your body fat by 3-5%. A big claim but with wa nutritional seminar, workouts that change every day to keep challenging your bodyand fitness, these all women boot camps could give you the body haul you're after.
Cost: £200 plus VAT regristration and £12 per class.
For more information visit

Best for...women new to exercise

Nordic Walking
It may look like just like trekking with hiking poles but Nordic walking uses specially adapted poles and claims to use 90% of the skeletal muscles. In order to learn how to do this properly, you need to unergo an hour and a half technique workshop. This teaches you how to place the poles correctly to get the most out of your workout. That said, it's more gentle than most although some areas hold Ulimate Nordic Classes. This involves interval running, bounding and hill work to maximise cardiovascular benefits. Great for those new to exercise, or who are undergoing rehabilitation.
Cost: £15 for the technique workshop, and classes £6-8 per class.
For more information visit

Best buffs

British Miltary Fit
One of the first, and now most established outdoor workouts is this military boot camp run by ex-Army personnel. Using a combination of interval sprint training and strength work – which sometimes includes pullng big tyres or carrying your team mate, this is perfect for those who thrive in a competitive environment. They split the group into three different levels, beginners, intermediate and advanced but it really is intended for those with a competitive streak. Yoga buffs will not take kindly to being yelled at!
Cost: £38 per month.
For more information visit

Monday, 4 August 2008

Gordon Brown's secret fitness trainer

Hmm, dont' give up the day job Gord

Fitbitch is all for extolling the virtues of hiring a personal trainer but it seems a bit rich of the Prime Minister Gordon Brown to have one. According to The Sun ( the Labour Prime Minister has hired personal trainer, Millie Dobie, to take him through his paces while he's holidaying in Southwold, Suffolk.
The £50-per hour trainer, has been been charged with getting Gordon fighting fit before his return to work (and lord knows he's going to need to be!) with woodland runs and resistance exercises. But if he's so aware of the benefits of fitness for himself, should he not be re-directing more government money into free fitness initiatives for those who can't afford their own personal fitness motivator?
It's estimated that around one third of children under 11 in the UK will be overweight or obese by 2010. And that's not to mention the 50% plus women and men who have already reached that condition. While the government is making strides to tackle childhood obesity, it's a different matter when it comes to adults. Caroline Flint, public health minister believes that people should be encouraged to 'change their lifestyles and take responsibility for their own health.' As Gordon Brown is now demonstrating, that is sometimes not so easy without a bit of help - and money.
Ooh, sorry I don't know what's happened this morning...Fitbitch has come over all political!

Friday, 1 August 2008

Fit Pill

© Levstek

Exercising to get fit could become a thing of the past, according to scientists in California who have developed a pill that will make you fit without you having to move a muscle.
Studies done on mice at Salk Institute in California showed that the drug, known as AICAR, boosts fat burning and stamina in inactive mice.
A second drug, GW1516 produced even better results when done in conjunction with exercise. After a month of taking the drug, mice could run 70% further than mice who had not worked out on the treadmill.
So, how does it work? GW1516 flicks a 'master switch' in muscle metabolism, boosting the production of muscle fibres which burn more calories, while also increasing stamina and endurance.
Similarly, AICAR triggers the same switch, and raises levels of the enzyme that tells the body the muslces are running low on energy. This causes the body to then turn to the fat stores for energy.
While researchers say the drugs will offer help to the obese, elderly and those with muscle wasting conditions, it could also offer benefits to those who simply don't have time to visit the gym. While this might be true, Fitbitch can't help but wonder how weird it will be if we all become a nation of toned couch potatoes. Where is the fun in that?

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Britney Spear's ex goes for buff...

Kevin Federline has turned his hand to most things. He's been a rapper, a backing dancer, clothes designer and now fitness expert. After the 30-year old was left looking like the re-incarnation of Homer Simpson, Kevin decided it was time to shape up...and he's planning to impart his wisdom with an exercise DVD early next year. 'I plan to get back to looking ripped and sexy again,' he says. 'I know I have let it all go but watch me fly this year.'
But does anyone feel like there's a conspiracy going on? How much money is there to be made in porking up, and then losing it for a fitness DVD? EastEnder's star, Natalie Cassidy, 25 lost two and a half stone for her DVD, The Then and Now Workout,( which became the fastest selling title of all time in the UK. Now she's put on weight, might we see a Fight the Rebound Pounds DVD hitting our shelves come Christmas?

Monday, 28 July 2008

Pedal power

If you want to get fit and toned, you don't necessarily have to force yourself to go to the gym every day. Here at Fitbitch, we're big believers in fitness being fun - if you like it, you're more likely to stick at it. It's something that Elle MacPherson, Jennifer Aniston and Sheryl Crowe have all taken to heart by investing in a bike.
Not only is cycling great for fat loss, helping to burn up to 500 calories an hour just cycling at a moderate pace, they also help shape and tone and the bum, legs and activate the core muscles.
If you're not sure what kind of bike to buy - or whether cycling is even for you - go along to one of Evans Cycles Ride It! events ( They're only £10 and you can book into an off road or road cycle, as well as pre-book a bike to try out.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Jennifer Lopez wonder workout

What is it with women criticising other women's bodies? After giving birth to her twins, Emme and Max just five months ago, Jennifer Lopez was snapped pinned into a Oscar Del a Renta dress for a fashion shoot for Elle Magazine ( ) She looks great yet everyone seems to be delighting in the fact that she's not quite lost all of her baby weight yet! (Tell me what you think - should us women give each other a break or have we all become a victim of the Daily Mail fat-cists?)
Still, now that she's given her body time to recover, Jennifer is working out again and we like her style. Rather than just sweating it out in a gym for the sake of the body beautiful, the 39-year old singer has enlisted the help of celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson (check out workoutwith for free tips) to train for a triathalon. One of the biggest growing sports for women in the UK, triathlons are a multi-discipline sport consisting of a swim, cycle and run. Brilliant for helping you get into shape quick, you're also less likely to get injuries through overdevelopment of any one muscle group because of the three different disciplines. But don't be put off by the professional sounding 'athleticness' of it. There are triathalon events for novices, right the way through to Ironman competitions involving 13.8km swim, 180K cycle and 42K run. I reckon Jennifer won't be doing that one! For more information check out

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Buy of the week

These nifty little bathroom scales are one of the best bit of motivational diet/fitness kit that Fitbitch has seen in a while. Not only does the Salter MiBody Analyser Scale measure your body fat and lean muscle mass, it also calculates your Basal metabolic rate - how many calories your body burns while at rest. All of this is crucial if you're on a diet or fitness campaign. Too many people, women in particular, get hung up about losing pounds. In reality, it's better to take tape measurements and keep your eye on your ratio of lean muscle to body fat. The higher this ratio, the more toned and fitastic you'll look. Plus, muscle burns more calories than fat so you'll be losing without even doing anything! The scales cost £59.99 and are available at

Monday, 21 July 2008

Madonna's fitness perfection

While you hear about all sorts of mad diets and strange exercise fads coming from the world of showbusiness, when it comes to Madge she is at the forefront of some of the best and most innovative fitness programmes.
She was one of the first celebrities to practise Ashtanga yoga - and is reported to be on the Third Series of this dynamic form of yoga making her one of the most advanced practitioners in the world. She's also practised Pilates and Gyrotonic Expansion System. This employs a 'torture rack' type device that strengthens the muscles and tendons while articulating the joints. But the latest technique credited with helping keep her fantastic figure is the Hybrid Body Reformer.
Invented by former dancer, Tracy Anderson is a similar to a Pilates involving a moving pulley system that works muscles from different angles. It works on the principle of challenging muscles and elongating them, rather than bulking.
'I can give anyone the body of a teeny tiny, New York dancer,' says Tracy. If I'm training a pear shaped woman, I have to figure out how to wake up those muscles at are weak instead of overusing major muscles.' While Tracy is currently based in America, she is planning on opening a studio in the UK. Watch this space!

Thursday, 17 July 2008

How to diet - successfully! Beng Chee

Forget slimming pills, patches and potions, latest research shows that the humble egg could prove the answer to your diet dreams. US researchers found that those women who ate a breakfast of eggs lost more weight than those eating a carbohydrate based breakfast. Despite both meals containting the same amount of calories, those on the eggy breakfast lost 65% more than the other group. Much as I'm a porridge kind of gal, I may just have to try this one!

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Best gift for healthy girls...or those on a diet!

I don't know about you, but I always remember someone's birthday at the last minute -and we're talking about people whose birthdays I should really know...mum, best friend, sister. But the only option is flowers or delivery chocolates which get a bit dull after a while. Now, a company called Passionleaf have come up with a fantastic new idea ...edible fruit 'flower' bouquets.
Starting at £35 for six people, the bouquets are made up of a delicious range of juicy tropical and seasonal fruits which you can gorge on without feeling guilty! find out more at or call 0870 8500 765

Monday, 14 July 2008

Top Three Fitness celeb trainers

Nowadays, you don't need to spend a fortune on a gym membership to get fit because there's a fantastic range of affordable equipment you can use at home or outdoors. I asked some of the best personal trainers, responsible for honing the bodies of everyone from Dido to Kate Beckinsale, for their pick of the top training tools...

David Kirsch, who trains Heidi Klum, Linda Evangelista and a host of others recommends a stability ball which are fantastic for training the core muscles. 'Try holding the ball with both hands over your head, knees bent. Bending at the hip, keep your arms cose to your head until your body's paralell to the floor. Lift your right shoulder towards the ceiling, keeping your core engaged. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.' For more tips read The Ultimate New York Body Plan, £9.99.

Jamie Baird who trains Kate Beckinsale recommends the Activa Air Disc, £18.95 ( 'Lie with knees bent, right foot on the disk. Left your left leg in the air keeping your hips level. Now lift both hips off the floor maintaining level hips. Hold for a beat and then lower. Repeat 20 times on both sides.'

Kathryn Freeland who has trained Oscar award winner Cate Blanchett recommends dumb bells.
'They're versatile, simple to use and easy to store. A good exericise to banish bingo wings is to stand with feet hip width apart, hands over head and elbows bent so the weights are behind your head. Now keeping your elbows tucked in close to your head, lift the weights up toward the ceiling squeezing the triceps.' Do three sets of 12.
Fitbitch special tip - invest in Bowflex Select Dumbells, £239.99 ( which are one set of dumbells that sit in a cradle that has a dial which you can use to pick up varying weights. It's far better than buying lots of different single dumbells - or only buying light ones that your body will soon get used to which will prevent you toning up.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

All calories are not created equal

On planet Fitbitch, I've heard so much about the evil of bread (god, give me a stick of French bread over chocolate anyday!) and the need to cut carbs, that I'd got to the point of ignoring it. "Surely, it's a conspiracy by the Protein Promotion Board?" I convinced myself. Then, I studied to become a personal trainer and during my lessons in weight management I discovered the truth.
Simply put, the carbohydrates we eat are converted to glycogen and stored in the muscles where they are used up by the body for energy. Eat more than you need though and the body converts the excess to fat stores. Simply put then, the trick to losing weight - and crucially melting away those fat stores - is to cut back on your carbohydrate intake so that the body is forced to convert energy stored in fat. Now, that's not to say give up carbohydrates completely as you need some but just don't snack on bread all day. And exercise! For guaranteed weight loss it's as simple as that. If anyone wants more information on exact proportions for a kickstart weightloss plan let me know.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Only in La-La Land

© Myerson

As if the baby food diet wasn't bad enough (yes, some celebs including Desperate Housewives Marcia Cross and Reese Witherspoon were alleged to only be eating jars of baby food to help them lose weight), we've now got the Five Bites Plan.
Devised by Dr Alwin Lewis, he advocates eating five bites a meal and claims it can help you shed a stone in a week. No kidding Sherlock! While he warns you should only stick to it for a week, trainer to the stars Patrick Murphy who works with Eva Longoria says: 'If you eat five bites of healthy food six or seven times a day,. you'll lose weight,' he says. 'It's the way A-listers eat in LA.'
What fun eh?

Buy of the week

If you spend most of your day in an office chair, it might be worth investing in a Balanceball chair, £30 ( Usually, most of us slouch when we're sitting down (if not slide off the chair under the desk in boredom!) and so our core muscles become lazy. Added to this, our hip flexor muscles can become shortened causing our pelvis to tilt putting more pressure on the lower back. But sitting on this adult version of a Spacehopper forces your core muscles to engage, helping to prevent backache. And if that's not reason enough, the core muscles also work to compress the stomach - so it could help hide those muffins and lattes you eat midmorning!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Fit tip of the day

If you want your cardiovascular workout to burn more calories, the best thing you can do is interval training. Now, this might sound scary to those of you who are probably picturing an athlete sprinting round a track, but this type of training can be done by anyone irrespective of fitness levels.
All interval training means is that, for instance, you work out at a slightly easier level for one minute slow followed by harder pace for the next. If you're fit this could be a fast run, followed by a sprint. If you're a beginner though, it could mean walking slowly, followed by a brisk walk or putting the treadmill on an incline. The benefits of this type of exercise is that you continue to burn calories even after you've stopped exercising. Bonus!
If you're looking for weight loss though it's best to combine interval work with continous CV - running at the same pace - in your weekly workout.

Donkey, carrott, stick...

©istockphoto/Skip O'Donnell

Are you one of those people who struggle with the motivation to stick to a diet or go for a run? (the run that you've talked about for so much you've almost convinced yourself you've done it) Well, a new web and text service which bullies you into taking action could be the answer.
Fresh from America (where else?) it's a free service that sends you nagging messages such as, 'Hi Tubbo! OK, we know it's tempting to eat at the Hungry Heifer every night of the week. After all, they have everything. Or at least they did before you licked every pan in that buffet clean. Did you bother to look at your reflection, though?
'Obviously not - yikes! You oughta lay off the buffet. Take care of your own beefy carcass before you eat a few pounds of someone else's."
Either it will work or you'll cure your addiction to your mobile phone!