There a good reason why sugar closely resembles a pile of cocaine. And that's because it's pretty much as addictive. It's not only destructive for your waistline but there's also growing evidence that it could have an impact on cancer growth.
For most of you, none of this is a revelation particularly when it comes to weight-loss. After all, we all know we're not supposed to heap our coffee or tea with sugar, or eat biscuits and cakes. But the reality is that nowadays there are hidden sugars in the most unlikely of places. This Friday on ITV, watch out for the programme Bitter Sweets that will blow the lid on the hidden sugars in your food.
Most so called 'healthy' flapjacks contain sugar, as does cereal and even your daily loaf of bread. A typical loaf of wholemeal bread contains 1tsp of sugar per three slices, whilst Special K contains 17g of sugar per 100g - that's the equivalent of a bowl of vanilla ice cream.
Of course, you can check out the ingredients on food but most manufacturers are wily buggers.
The first ingredient mentioned tends to be the predominant one - but to get around having to admit that sugar is the main ingredient, manufacturers include different sources of sugar. So next time you're out, have a look for the following ingredients - all sources of the white stuff.
Fructose, corn syrup, lactose, sorbitol, galactose, malt, Xylitol and polydextrose.
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