For years, common wisdom held that running is great for getting you fit and helping you lose weight but that it will end up wearing down your knees and leaving your crippled with osteoarthritis. It seemed you were caught between the devil and the deep blue sea - have a great looking pair of pins now, but face not being able to walk twenty years down the line. But now you can forget all that as a long term study has shown that the opposite is true.
A Stanford University study of 538 middle aged runners over a 21 year period, has shown that runners in fact only developed disabilities 16 years after those who had never run at all. So, now there's no excuse not to get those running shoes on.
If you've never run before, or haven't gone near to your trainers for a while don't worry. The best way to start is to set yourself a goal, whether it's losing pounds, or running a 5k. Start off slowly, covering small distances and week by week, add distance and the occasional fast run. And just make sure to stretch after you've run - this will help prevent injuries and ensure you begin to love your running routine. For details of races near you, check out Runner's World's excellent site www.runnersworld.co.uk, which also has great training programmes from beginners to advanced.
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