©istockphoto/Skip O'Donnell
Are you one of those people who struggle with the motivation to stick to a diet or go for a run? (the run that you've talked about for so much you've almost convinced yourself you've done it) Well, a new web and text service www.weightnags.com which bullies you into taking action could be the answer.
Fresh from America (where else?) it's a free service that sends you nagging messages such as, 'Hi Tubbo! OK, we know it's tempting to eat at the Hungry Heifer every night of the week. After all, they have everything. Or at least they did before you licked every pan in that buffet clean. Did you bother to look at your reflection, though?
'Obviously not - yikes! You oughta lay off the buffet. Take care of your own beefy carcass before you eat a few pounds of someone else's."
Either it will work or you'll cure your addiction to your mobile phone!
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