You wake up and it's raining. You go to bed, and it's still raining. And if it's not the rain, it's the wind or the cold. The dismal British winter is what causes most women to give up on their fitness programmes in exchange for longer under the duvet. Yet, there is a way to carry on your shape up programme without it meaning you'll have piled on a stone by the Spring.
Whilst Fitbitch isn't a fan of treadmill running, come the winter it can be an indispensable tool. You simply have to know how to use it, so that you don't get bored rigid by the end of the week.
The best way to do this is to combine some interval work on the treadmill. Try a five minute warm up, at a comfortable pace, and then increase to a run at 80-90% maximum heart rate for one minute, before dropping down again. Repeat ten times. As you get used to this, try running fast for two minutes, increasing your pace or have less recovery time.
Another alternative is to do intervals of hill running. Start off doing a five minute warm up, then add 0.5% incline every minute, building up to ten minutes. Then work you way back down again.
This will not only help prevent you dying of boredom (or quickly learning every MTV video going watching the TV) but you'll continue to burn calories after you've finished training because of the benefits of interval training. And you'll be warm!
Alternatively, if you still find that boring get some friends and see if you can copy this YouTube video - it's hilarious. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aeeR4Vnvs8U
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