Monday, 8 December 2008

Make a master plan

One of the first things you're taught when you're training to become a personal trainer is the importance of planning an exercise programme for your clients. It sets goals, giving people something to work towards and a measurable way to qualify how much they're improving.
ow a study of novice runners preparing for a marathon has proved just how vital this is. The reearch focued on 30 adults. Eveyr month they completed a questionnnaire on their training focusing on planning, dealing iwth obstacles (bad weather, or injuires) and checking that the schedule was followed. Those who were less diligent in drawing up and implementing the trainign plan fared worse.
Now, even if I barely have a spare minute, I still make the effort to plan my own routine. So, even if all you're exercising for is to lose a few pounds, set yourself goals and think clearly about the training you need to get there.

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