Friday, 20 March 2009

Super stair climbing

This morning, 600 runners took part in Britain's first organised race up a London sky scraper. The winner was Rolf Majcen, 42, who travelled from Austria who summited at 4minutes and 57 seconds.
While taking on a high rise building might seem out of your fitness league, running up stairs is an excellent way of challenging your fitness and helping to strengthen - and tone - the legs and bottom.
Start off slowly by trying to run up a flight of stairs a maximum of three times, and work your way up until you can do it ten times without stopping, Try and pump your arms and move your feet as quickly as possible and vary it; go up one at a time the first time, alternated with two steps at a time the next.
Bringing this into your normal training will help challenge your body and it makes it less boring than always going on the same old, long runs. Give it a try.

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