This is an exercise that my clients seem equally to love and loathe because it's a killer but it works. Only move on to this exercise once you have mastered the ability to roll down without falling down for ten repetitions.
Try the half plank first, once you can hold this for 3 x 1 minute, go on to the full plank. If your lower back hurts at any point, stop. This is sign that you're not using your core muscles properly and they need to be strengthened.
The Half Plank
Come on to your knees and lean forward, placing your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms flat on the floor. Your neck and hips should be in a diagonal line straight down to your knees without any dip in your lower back. if you're not feeling it anywhere, more your torso further forward and you will fill it in your core. Build up to holding for one minute. Repeat three times.
The Full Plank
Once you have mastered the above, come up on to your toes keeping your body in line as if you are a plank of wood. Keep engaging those core muscles, and keep your neck in line with your body, face down imagining there is a string coming from the crown or your head keeping your neck lengthened.
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