Monday, 16 March 2009

Fitbitch Boutique Boot Camps

If you want to get the fittest you've ever been and ensure you have a fabulous beach body by the summer, book in for a Fitbitch Boutique Boot Camp, coming soon to residents of Brighton & Hove.
Unlike other fitness boot camps around, this will be exclusively for women and numbers will be kept to a maximum of 16 to ensure personal attention and a unique, supportive environment.
The camps will run for four weeks, four days a week and will include an optional diet plan, 24/7 text support and and a shared web forum. And by the end of it, you can expect to have lost weight, dropped inches and feel fantastic.
If you're interested in trying out a class before committing and being part of a unique fitness initiative, you can book in for one trial out class on Sunday 5th April, Monday 6th or Tuesday 7th.
Email Rachael at or leave a comment here.

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