If you've been dieting for ages and never seem to lose any weight, the culprit could be your lunch.
Most people on a diet are good at starting the day on the right footing, and even manage to get the evening meal right.It's lunch times that most people fall down as they don't think they have the time to prepare anything and so grab something from a supermarket or sandwich shop. Little do you realise quite how many calories are lurking in what you pick up, even the so called healthy options.
Do you always manage to start off your day well with oats or cereal and then it all ends in failure come lunchtime? Most of the time it's because you end up starving and you have no choice but to grab something from a sandwich store or supermarket.
Pret Chicken Jalopeno Wrap contains 433 calories - add a coffee and you're looking at over 600.
EAT Ham and Mustard Salad is 363 calories
Starbucks Prawn Mayo sandwich, a shocking 496 calories
I could go on but you get my drift. Have one of these and then the additional hot drink, packet of crisps or even the odd bit of chocolate and you're looking at a vast part of your calorie intake.
Instead, try planning out some lunches during the day. Most people say 'Oh, but I don't have the time.' Truth is, it can take five minutes to make yourself a scrummy salad, or even throw a Convent Garden fresh soup in a pan.
Try this Salmon Salad with Chickpeas and Asparagus
Mixed salad leaves
Tin of pink salmon
50g chickpeas
Few tomatoes
1 spear of cooked asparagus
1/4 avocado (don't go overboard, they're high in fat)
Lemon juice to dress
Basically, bung together, squeeze with lemon juice and you're done. Delicious
Basically, all you nee
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