Nowadays, most people don't even register how big the cakes, muffins and sandwiches are in coffee chains. Over the last five years, portion sizes have got out of control and as our minds get used to what we're served, so our own meal sizes spiral out of control - and our weight.
So, how do you know the right amount you should be eating?
Follow this simple guide to help you in eating the correct portion sizes..
Grain Products
What One Serving Looks Like
1 cup of cereal flakes - The size of a fist
1 pancake - A compact disc
½ cup of cooked rice, pasta, or potato -½ of a baseball
1 slice of bread - A cassette tape
Fruits and Veggies
What One Serving Looks Like
1 cup of salad green - A baseball
1 medium fruit -A baseball
½ cup of raisins - A large egg
Dairy and Cheese
What One Serving Looks Like
1 ½ oz. cheese - 4 stacked dice
½ cup of ice cream - ½ baseball
1 cup serving of milk, yogurt, - The size of a fist
Meats and Alternatives
What One Serving Looks Like
3 oz. meat, fish, and poultry - Deck of cards
3 oz. grilled/baked fish - Chequebook
What One Serving Looks Like
1 teaspoon of oil -The size of your thumb tip
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