Strictly speaking - well, as in not in any way - is this a low carbohydrate meal. But it's a healthy, well balanced meal that will re-fuel you after a strenuous work out.
but this is where you have to be careful.
with the number of fitness snacks and isotonic drinks available on the market nowadays, many people mistakenly believe that this means, whenever you exercise you need to refuel your body. The truth is, you really only need to eat more if you're exercising to at a high level. Going down to the gym for an hour's work out or a 20minute jog, doesn't cover it. It's why so many people wonder why they put on weight - or why they don't lose any - when they start exercising.
Basically, be honest with yourself and really think about what your goals are, which falls into three broad areas;those that exercise so that they can eat and will maintain their weight, those who are exericising to lose weight and should be watching their diet too, and those who are training for an event and putting in a lot of hours doing so and need nutrition to fuel their workouts. I come somewhere between the last two.
Anyway, here's today's meal based on the fact that I did 20mins run, 20mins bike, 10mins run, 10min bike, and 40min strength training.
clove of garlic
1 red onion
1/2 fresh red chilli, sliced
2 large flat mushrooms, sliced
1/2 tin of tomatoes
1tbsp of tomato puree
1/2 tin of chick peas
handful of fresh spinach
Lebanese flat bread
2tbsp natural yoghurt
juice of 1/2 lemon
clove of garlic
Saute onion, garlic, chilli and mushrooms in 1tsp of olive oil and a little water. Add chick peas and tomatoes and puree and saute for five mins. Add spinach and stir. Season with salt and pepper. Place a large spoonful of the mixture into the middle of half a piece of flat bread. combine in an envelope shape, place in an oven proof dish.
Meanwhile combine the ingredients for the yoghurt dressing, place on top of the flat bread and place under a hot grill for five minutes. Serve with salad.
; if you're exercising so that you can eat and maintain your weight, fine. today, I undertook a strenuous interval training session. That's involving brick session run, bike, run, bike, followed by 35minutes of core and resistance work.
This is still a healthy meal that will